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Product / Graphic designer

Thanat Ageprapai

     I'm a Bangkok based Thai designer which was born and raised in Thailand which is located in Bangkok city and always been their ever since.

Artist is my childhood dream but since I have been studying design as it could help improving lives and creating new innovation or disruptive that able to solve the pain from the daily lives. Totally drive me to pursue on this career path of being a designer and hope to meet new people, creating new things or at least to engage an awareness to the society for the future.

     Besides of art & design sneaker, fashion, photography and collectibles are also what I have always appreciate and enjoy as I was a kid who alway enjoyed observing, playing around and keep collecting things such as a sneaker those are one of the things that influenced my interested and lead my path to be who I am which empowered my passion till the present.

My resume

Asset 8.png
Asset 9.png

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